Career Advancement

Career Advancement Co-Chairs for AY23-24:
Teresa Chen, MD
Mary Ellen Goldhamer, MD, MPH
Tara Lauriat, PhD

Strategic Planning Goals:

  • Set up a network of promotion mentors to assist with pulling together promotion materials, advising on promotion timelines and process
  • Outline promotion processes for different groups (i.e. pre‐clinical, research, quad) and publish on JCSW website.
  • Continue and expand mentoring circles (and explore meeting ‘virtually’ as an option)
  • Create a Women’s Leadership Program
  • Build a mentorship matching system between JCSW members and trainees (i.e., postdocs, dental and medical students, and graduate students).

Contact the Career Advancement Committee:


The Career Advancement Committee has put together some amazing infographics to share with JCSW Members and beyond! Check them out below! 


    building professional relationships





